최근 뉴스
Tox by Design approved for EUROTOX Corporate Program, strengthening our commitment to high-end toxicology
We are thrilled to announce that Tox by Design has been selected to join the prestigious EuroTox Corporate Program, marking a significant milestone in our dedication to advancing the field of toxicology. This partnership aligns us with EuroTox's mission to foster the science and education of toxicology, influencing regulatory and policy frameworks to promote the safety of humans, animals, and the envirhttps://www.eurotox.com/onment, thereby protecting global health.As a member of the EuroTox Corporate Program, Tox by Design will collaborate with a network of over 6,000 toxicologists worldwide, contributing to the exchange of cutting-edge scientific knowledge and best practices.This affiliation enhances our visibility within the scientific community and underscores our commitment to supporting education and training initiatives that prepare the next generation of toxicologists.EuroTox, THE Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology, brings together no less than 36 societies across 33 countries, and more than 200 ERT individual members globally.Matthieu CHAREYRE, President, declared:"Let's not forget that... in Regulatory Toxicology industry ...we do have now in silico AI "CM&S" Computational Modeling and Simulation (Q)SAR validated models by Worldwide Regulatory Agencies.2024 is also the year that witnessed AlphaFold2 at Google DeepMind cracked a 50-year-old problem, predicting the complex structures of nearly all known proteins, just THE 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry!These discoveries mark a new era in science, with CM&S heart beating.The future of Biotech drug products developments and Tox CM&S technologies is unfolding before us!"This collaboration with EuroTox signifies our unwavering commitment to the advancement of toxicological sciences and our dedication to contributing to a safer and healthier world.We look forward to the opportunities such partnership will bring and to working closely with other Eurotox members to achieve our shared goals.For more information about EUROTOX and the Corporate Program, please visit https://www.eurotox.com/.
더 읽기10/8/2024
Socosur Chem. is attending again CPhI 2024
CPhI Worldwide is again on the horizon!Oct 8-10 in Milano, Italy. Will you be attending?If so, come over and stop by on Indis Worldwide Associates booth 22F90and let's talk about your needs!Please connect with us to schedule a meeting
더 읽기5/24/2024
NextRise 2024
📍 Tox by Design is very excited to announce that we will be attending NextRise (넥스트라이즈) 2024 in Seoul, South Korea!🌏 NextRise, Asia's largest hashtag#startup fair, is the ideal venue for entrepreneurs and industry leaders to exchange insights. Venture and startup hashtag#entrepreneurs, accelerators, venture capitalists, industry leaders, and people in the ecosystem form meaningful networks and share insights. It is a focal point for connections within the venture and startup ecosystem, aiming toward the acceleration and creation of synergy.💡 Tox by Design is one of only six French tech startups to be shortlisted for the event! We look forward to collaborating with other entrepreneurs and to share more about our expertise in toxicology and in-silico technologies that allow for prediction of toxicological effects without human clinical or preclinical animal trials.🔍 Come find us to learn more at our booth at COEX Gangnam, Seoul on June 13th and 14th.
더 읽기4/3/2024
A3P Cleaning and Biocleaning
📍 The ToxBy.Design team will be attending A3P Cleaning & Biocleaning conference in the theme of Cleaning Validation on the 3rd and 4th of April in Strasbourg, France!🌐 The conference entitled ‘Cleaning and Disinfection Barrier Technologies, Indirect Contact Part, Disinfectants, Drying, Classic cleaning validation and Freeze-dryer Themes’ will discuss the decontamination processes as well as the fundamentals of cleaning validation. 🧠 With our team of toxicology experts, we can provide any Toxicological Risk Assessment and most importantly with our expertise in PDE (Permitted Daily Exposure) report development. Our work and the thresholds that we can provide are crucial for your cleaning validation. 👩🏻💻From our experience of over 2000 PDE reports in our catalogue, we can prepare any PDE monograph you need. Our expertise in in-silico methodologies (QSAR, Read-across…) allows us to develop even when no literature data is available. 👉 Find us at the event to learn more about how we can help you with your cleaning validation and what other services we offer.
더 읽기3/15/2024
AFSSI 2024
ToxBy.Design is pleased to share that we are members of the AFSSI (L’association française des Sociétés de Services et d’Innovation pour les Sciences de la Vie) for the year 2024-2025!We are so excited to join such an impactful society full of reputable companies which are key players in the development of life sciences and to be able through this ecosystem to further expand our toxicological expertise services.Feel free to contact us and to look for us on the website!#pharma #toxicology #ToxbyDesign #biotech #drugdevelopment #pharmaceuticals #AFSSI
더 읽기10/24/2023
CPHI Worldwide 2023
Socosur Chem / ToxBy.Design will be present at #CPhIWorldwide 2023 in Barcelona As usual on Indis Stand 4D58 Feel free to meet us again or for the first time at Fira Barcelona Gran Via, Spain
더 읽기8/17/2023
2023 EUDRA GMDP certification
Following ANSM inspection of our Distributor of Active Substances activity on March 30th, 2023,GDP compliance has been renewed.EUDRA GMDP certificate 23MPPO21D01 can be consulted on EU database.
더 읽기6/29/2023
BioJapan 2023
ToxBy.Design will be attending BioJapan 2023 from October 11th-13thToxBy.Design has been selected by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation as one of the top 10 European pharmaceutical companies to participate in Asia's Premier Partnering event in Yokohama, Japan! We are so excited to be attending BioJapan 2023 and look forward to further expanding our toxicological expertise within Asia. Feel free to contact us to set up a meeting at our booth!Asia's Premier Hybrid Partnering event in Yokohama will consist of three exhibitions: BioJapan - the world's oldest biotechnology exhibitionRegenerative Medicine JAPAN - an exhibit aiming to accelerate and industrialize R&D in the field of regenerative medicineHealth TECH JAPAN - a fusion exhibit of digital technology and life science.To learn more, visit the event website here.
더 읽기8/22/2022
Achema 2022
Here we go! hashtag#SocosurTox team is inside hashtag#achema2022 hashtag#messefrankfurt Do not hesitate to book a meeting with Mar Crespo, Executive Director Tox division, ERT and Yara Lteif, our most promising hashtag#regulatory and hashtag#cosmetology Expert Toxicologist via LinkedIn or by direct email.We are particularly looking for a partner taking in charge the engineering part of our occupational exposure Risk Assessments...Looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt!Achema is a conference for manufacturers and service providers from over 50 countries to present their products. Only occuring once every three years, we feel honored to be a part of this event. We look forward to sharing and learning more about chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotech innovation from around the globe.
더 읽기2/16/2022
A3P Cleaning Validation Symposium 2022
Next March 16th and 17th 2022, Socosur Tox will exhibit at the new edition of the A3P Cleaning Validation symposium in Lille Grand Palais. Please feel free to come and visit us on booth n°2! For this new edition, the A3P Cleaning Validation Comittee proposes a programme addressing the following themes: HBEL/PDE Manual cleaning Clean Hold Time /Dirty Hold Time Cross-contamination Cleaning Validation for Biotech companies During this event, concrete and topical issues will be addressed throught experience sharing, conferences, an exhibition and interactive workshops. Q&A “Questions and answers on implementation of risk-based prevention of cross-contamination in production" and ‘Guideline on setting health-based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities’ (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/SWP/169430/2012)” introduced Cross Contamination Control Strategy concept and linked it to cleaning validation process. EMA CLARIFY HBEL (HEALTH-BASED EXPOSURE LIMITS) / PDE USE IN THE CALCULATION OF VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS OF CLEANING VALIDATION, THEIR USE IN RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACH AND CROSS CONTAMINATION PREVENTION.
더 읽기1/8/2022
JP Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference
Socosur는 특히 다가오는 발표에 비추어 JP Morgan 2022에 참석할 예정입니다. Socosur Tox 새로운 팀과 미국 기반 고객에게 조기에 소개하고 싶었던 새로운 서비스에 대해. 많이 아쉽고 현재 코로나 상황으로 인해 회의는 디지털로만 진행되며, 주저하지 마시고 저희와 미팅을 예약하십시오. 우리는 많은 JPM 디지털 이벤트에 등록되어 있으며 그 중 일부는 Innovator의 피치 심사위원도 있습니다.
더 읽기12/26/2021
Best wishes for 2022
Happy New Year 2022 to you all! Thanks you again to you for your confidence in Socosur along 2021. Can't wait for all the changes you will see from our side in 2022... “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Socrates Stay safe
더 읽기9/21/2021
A3P Cosmetics Symposium 2021
Back to face to face events for Socosur. We will attend A3P Cosmetics symposium 2021 with a booth. Do not hesitate to meet us on booth n°2 The understanding of the level of control of outsourced services or manufacturers of componants and cosmetic ingredients appars as a un key point in the safety of products. Then, arises the difficulty of organising and managing external auditings, taking into consideration their number and sometimes their remote geographical localisation from suppliers. The experience of mutualised auditings, presented this year during this new edition will enable review their utility, for the purchasers as much as for suppliers benefiting from this initiative. The 2020 Edition will also address hygiene operations of production equipment with, on one hand a round table dedicated to cleaning operations validation in a strictly cosmetic contex, and on the other hand a series of conferences about disinfection. This will be an opportunity for participants to anonymously ask questions through a phone application, in order to better understand the acceptable limits of validation, without necessarily verbatim agreeing to the pharmaceuticap approach. Experiences of disinfection of production equipment, with accounts of many players (cosmetic manufacturers and various players from the field of DEP system engineering, manufacturing of disinfection products, or validation service providers) will enrich the debate.
더 읽기9/21/2021
Back to physical CPhI 2021
SOCOSUR WILL BE BACK TO CPHI WITH BOOTH LOCATED 14B61 CPhI Worldwide houses six zones representing each stage of the pharmaceutical supply chain from APIs, machinery and packaging to outsourcing and biopharmaceuticals. Bringing the global pharma industry together, CPhI Worldwide is the place to network and source cost-effective pharma solutions from all continents - in 3 days, under one roof. Go ahead and book your free visitor ticket to meet us at Fiera Milano!
더 읽기3/22/2021
A3P Cleaning Validation Symposium
Next June 29th and 30th 2021, Socosur Tox will exhibit at the second edition of the A3P Cleaning Validation in Lille Grand Palais. For this new edition, the A3P Cleaning Validation Comittee proposes a programme addressing the following themes: HBEL/PDE Manual cleaning Clean Hold Time /Dirty Hold Time Cross-contamination Cleaning Validation for Biotech companies During this event, concrete and topical issues will be addressed throught experience sharing, conferences, an exhibition and interactive workshops. Q&A “Questions and answers on implementation of risk-based prevention of cross-contamination in production" and ‘Guideline on setting health-based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities’ (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/SWP/169430/2012)” introduced Cross Contamination Control Strategy concept and linked it to cleaning validation process. EMA CLARIFY HBEL (HEALTH-BASED EXPOSURE LIMITS) / PDE USE IN THE CALCULATION OF VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS OF CLEANING VALIDATION, THEIR USE IN RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACH AND CROSS CONTAMINATION PREVENTION.
더 읽기3/24/2020
HydroxyChloroquine Sulfate free of charge PDE and OEL monographs to support the fight versus Covid-19
유럽 의료 시스템의 책임자로서, 우리는 특히 COVID-19 전염병의 예외적인 맥락에서 건강 제품 및 치료제의 가용성과 안전을 보장하기 위해 필수적인 작업을 충족하도록 스스로를 조직했다. 우리는 하이드록시클로로퀸 CAS 번호 747-36-4를 제공하기로 결정했다. 허용된 일별 노출 단층 촬영 및 직업별 노출 한계 평가 요청에 따라 무료로 황산염 하이드록시클로로퀸 API를 기반으로 긴급 완제품 생산을 요청하는 유럽 및 국제 제약 제조 현장에 동행한다. 우리 팀은 원격 작업 모드로 계속 이동하며 모두 이메일 및 회사 데이터에 액세스할 수 있지만, 모든 사람의 건강을 유지하기 위해 국가별 권장 사항에 따라 귀하의 요청에 계속 응답할 것입니다. 마지막으로, 우리는 곤경에 처한 이웃과 지역사회를 돕기 위해 열심히 일하는 의사, 간호사, 최초 대응자 및 일반인들에게 경의를 표한다. 우리는 그들의 용기에 감탄하고, 그들의 희생에 박수를 보내고, 그들의 본보기에 영감을 받습니다. 안전하게 지내라, 손 씻어라. WHO Covid-19 업데이트 Covid-19 전 세계 실시간 데이터 if(!wcs_add) var wcs_add = {}; wcs_add["wa"] = "db384514c5aca8"; if(window.wcs) { wcs_do(); }
더 읽기11/26/2019
Research Tax Credit Approval (CIR)
소코수르화학은 2019-2021년 연구세액공제(CIR) 승인을 방금 받았다고 발표했다. 고등교육연구부(MESR)가 발행한 인증서는 소코수르 의뢰인이 갤런 제형 임무를 맡기고 GMP를 스케일업하거나 독성학적 전문지식을 통해 이들 연구개발비의 최대 30%를 법인세로 공제할 수 있도록 했다. "이번 리서치 세금 공제 승인은 고객을 위한 연구개발 및 혁신 문제를 지원하는 SOCOSUR의 능력을 진정으로 인정하는 것입니다."라고 Mattieu ChAREYRE 사장은 말합니다.
더 읽기8/31/2019
CPhI worldwide 2019 – Francfort – 5 au 7 novembre 2019 Socosur Chem partagera le stand 60F12 avec les autres Indis AssociatesCPhI worldwide 2019 in Frankfurt 5-7 Nov. 2019 Socosur Chem will share booth 60F12 with the other Indis Associates.
물론 소코수르화학은 내년 11월 5일부터 11월 7일까지 프랑크푸르트에서 열리는 CPHIW에 인디스 월드와이드 어소시에이츠와 함께 다시 참석할 것이다. 60F12 부스에서 미팅을 예약하기 위해 저희에게 언제든지 연락해 주십시오. if(!wcs_add) var wcs_add = {}; wcs_add["wa"] = "db384514c5aca8"; if(window.wcs) { wcs_do(); }
더 읽기5/2/2018
B4B Connection - Tox innovation & New trends
Socosur Tox services will of course attend next B4B Connection focused on Innovation and New Trends in Toxicology. Matthieu Chareyre will also participate in Shaker interactions in a round table between tox players, Pharma and Biotechs. He will also officially present the results of our meta analysis over 19 real business cases over ICH Q3D compliance and demonstrate that it is possible to reduce tox budgets up to 65%!
더 읽기4/19/2018
Dedicated A3P event - Cleaning validation
Since September 2016, A3P working group "Cleaning Validation" has been working on Annex 15 modifications of European GMP Chapter 10 which is in force since October 1st 2015 for all pharmaceutical manufacturing sites, both human or veterinary, and drastically reinforced regulations regarding Cleaning Validation. Those work will conclude by a fully dedicated 2 days event in Lyon, France. Socosur Tox services and Azierta will obviously attend this event (booth n°6) and do not hesitate to book a meeting or simply stop by.
더 읽기9/11/2017
CPhI 2017
Socosur Chem is exhibiting again on Indis Associates (of which Exim Corp.) botth 80F02. An Azierta toxicologist will join our team and will answer your questions on PDE, OEL, elemental impurities, .....
더 읽기11/24/2016
New Service - ICH Q3D
New competitive service as part of Azierta cooperation: ICH Q3D – Elemental impurities Implementation of risk assessment reports developments, for both API manufacturers and drug product manufacturers
더 읽기3/25/2016
CPhI Barcelona
Socosur Chem. is exhibiting again at CPhI event is taking place in Barcelona. Feel free to contact us and book a meeting on our booth 2A31 https://ubmemeaensoprod.s3.amazonaws.com/CPHI_EUROPE/cphi_2016_-_sales_-_hall_02_-_cphi_3.pdf
더 읽기11/19/2015
ANSM successfull inspection
Good Distribution Practices ANSM, last August 2016, duly verified the compliance with Part II of EU GMP and particularly chapter 17, of Socosur quality system regarding distribution operations practices without any single deviation
더 읽기9/18/2015
2015 CPhI Worldwide in Madrid
Socosur Chem. is exhibiting again at CPhI event is taking place in Madrid. October 13-15th, 2015 Feel free to contact us and book a meeting on our booth 7K2
더 읽기9/8/2014
Exclusive agency for Shandong Boyuan Oxaliplatin
Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical and Socosur Chem have just entered an exclusive agency agreement for the oxaliplatin manufactured by Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical in in their Jinan site. Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical is holder of the Certificate of Suitability RO-CEP CEP 2013-113- Rev00 dated June 4, 2014 and just successfully passed a PMDA inspection.
더 읽기7/17/2014
2014 CPhI Worldwide in Paris
Socosur Chem. is exhibiting again at CPhI event is taking place in Paris. September 7-9, 2014 Feel free to contact us and book a meeting on our booth 5K95
더 읽기10/2/2013
ANSM Authorisation for API importation and Distribution
10.09.2013: In compliance of Directive EU 2013/C 68/01 on Good Distribution Practice, ANSM granted to Socosur Chem the authorization for the activities of importation and distribution of active substances
더 읽기7/28/2011
AFSSAPS Inspection
The inspection carried by AFSSAPS in May 2007 did verify the compliance with good manufacturing practices regarding the distribution activites of Société Commerciale Suresnoise.
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