• 2022-08-22

  • #toxicology #SocosurTox #insilico #PDE #Achema #pharma #futureofhealthcare #biotech #FrenchTech #FKCCI
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • 이벤트 웹사이트 방문

Achema 2022

Here we go! hashtagSocosurTox team is inside hashtagachema2022 hashtagmessefrankfurt 
Do not hesitate to book a meeting with Mar Crespo, Executive Director Tox division, ERT and Yara Lteif, our most promising hashtagregulatory and hashtagcosmetology Expert Toxicologist via LinkedIn or by direct email.
We are particularly looking for a partner taking in charge the engineering part of our occupational exposure Risk Assessments...
Looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt!

Achema is a conference for manufacturers and service providers from over 50 countries to present their products. Only occuring once every three years, we feel honored to be a part of this event. We look forward to sharing and learning more about chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotech innovation from around the globe.