• 2024-05-24

  • #toxicology #ToxByDesign #insilico #PDE #NextRise #pharma #futureofhealthcare #biotech #FrenchTech #FKCCI
  • COEX in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
  • 이벤트 웹사이트 방문

NextRise 2024

📍 Tox by Design is very excited to announce that we will be attending NextRise (넥스트라이즈) 2024 in Seoul, South Korea!

🌏 NextRise, Asia's largest hashtagstartup fair, is the ideal venue for entrepreneurs and industry leaders to exchange insights. Venture and startup hashtagentrepreneurs, accelerators, venture capitalists, industry leaders, and people in the ecosystem form meaningful networks and share insights. It is a focal point for connections within the venture and startup ecosystem, aiming toward the acceleration and creation of synergy.

💡 Tox by Design is one of only six French tech startups to be shortlisted for the event! We look forward to collaborating with other entrepreneurs and to share more about our expertise in toxicology and in-silico technologies that allow for prediction of toxicological effects without human clinical or preclinical animal trials.

🔍 Come find us to learn more at our booth at COEX Gangnam, Seoul on June 13th and 14th.